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Preschool in Medford Massachusetts
Gentle Dragon Preschool is located in Medford Massachusetts. Visit our Web site for more information.

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Parent Cooperative Preschool in the Medford Massachusetts Area.

Visit the Gentle Dragon Preschool Web site to learn more about their early childhood education program.

More about the Gentle Dragon:

Accredited by the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs (, Gentle Dragon is a cooperative preschool of twelve or thirteen children and a teacher/director that provides a mixed-age environment for children aged two years nine months to five years.


"The indoor climbing structure at the preschool is the best - offers plenty of opportunity to expend energy, even in the cold winter months."
- Previous Dragon family

Read more testimonials about Gentle Dragon Preschool

Gentle Dragon Preschool
400 High Street, West Medford, MA 02155
781-391-2301 ~ ~